Years ago we designed a brand identity for a typical startup company with a small, unassuming office in an office park during our time in Menlo Park, California. The company, called NetScreen, had developed a firewall device for internet security. After completing the project, we filed it away with all the other startup companies we had worked with at the time. It wasn’t until years later when we drove by their new headquarters in Sunnyvale, California, that we realized our logo had made it big time.
We saw our logo displayed prominently on the huge, shiny, hi-tech building and were thrilled. As I was snapping photos, a well-dressed man who worked for NetScreen approached me and invited me to see the NetScreen Museum. The museum had our logo plastered two stories tall and displayed on everything from coffee cups to notebooks. It was an amazing and surreal experience, but unfortunately, it was short-lived. The company had just been sold, and they were taking down all the artifacts.
As I snapped photos of everything I could, I couldn’t help but feel like an anthropologist discovering an ancient tomb. The quiet and cold atmosphere was only broken by the sound of our footsteps. It was clear that the company was about to close its doors, and the employees were trying hard to land on their feet with a new job. However, my acquaintance from NetScreen was surprisingly upbeat, telling me that they had been bought for $4 billion dollars. It was then that I realized our little logo had helped grow the company to be worth billions. Perhaps we should have charged a bit more!
Check out our logo design portfolio to see many more of our brand identities and logo designs. Contact us to discuss how we can turn your startup into a 4$ billion dollar tech behemoth by simply designing your logo. 😉
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